Saturday, July 08, 2006

How to Get Free Things to Sell on Ebay or Flea Markets

This simple method of getting free stuff works. Although I'm no longer doing this, I'm sure that if you follow these simple steps, you'll wind up with so much stuff that you might have to get someone to take some of your stuff.

It works like this, grab the weekend papers, Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Go to the classified section where it lists 'Moving Sales'.. look for the ones that have addresses as well as phone numbers. Make a list of ones in your area. Visit some of them that are close, generally wait until Sunday to visit them and take note of what they have and how much they have left.

Now what you want to do is use a two pronged approach. After visiting the location, before leaving give them one of your business cards that you will have printed up before hand that states something like 'We remove unwanted reuseable items-FREE!' Next, sometime during the weekend, make a list of places that had a good bit of inventory and what you want to do is on Sunday evening mail out a letter to them with your letterhead again stating who are you, and that you'll take away unwanted reusuable items in a hurry...FREE

If they're moving real soon and still have a bunch of stuff left, they'll start to feel the pressure, and when you letter shows up stating again that you'll get rid of their unwanted stuff, well, you'll get your share of business.

One of the things that you'll have to be careful of is that the people may try and unload a lot of junk on you but just let them know as your ad states, you only take reuseable stuff. Now, if they want to throw in some nice pieces in order for you to take some of the other less desirable things, well, then that's your call.

From experience I can tell you that you'd be amazed at what people give away. I've received whole apartments full of furniture, antiques, even had people several times try to give me their pets; dogs, cats, rats and snakes. You just never know! One things for certain though is that you'll have lots of things to sell at flea markets and on Ebay and you might even find some real treasures along the way.

Foolproof system to multiple streams of income


Bill Thomas said...

Sounds like you had a recycling type of business. I used to get lots of stuff for free, and I had my own second hand shop to sell it.

Bill Thomas said...

Try to target the upscale areas for this type of business. Professional people tend to move a lot and have to get rid of things in a hurry.