There are some simple things that you can do to save 50% or more on your car rental fees. For instance, if you're renting your car for a week, did you know that by renting your car on Thursday as opposed to the other days such as Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday, you'll usually be charged the weekend rate, which can be up to 50% cheaper. Also booking your car rental online can save you a good bit of money since most major car rental company's offer 'Internet Discounts'. A great place to find the best rates is Car Rentals .
Are you aware that car rental companies make much of their profit from the insurance they offer? You can usually avoid these charges and save 25% or more of the total costs by avoiding this insurance. If you have full coverage auto insurance on your car, your insurance company will usually pick up the tab for damages. Also by using a major credit card to rent your car, the credit card company usually covers for damages as well. Check with your insurance agent and credit card company to see what is covered, and any exceptions.
Some things to avoid to keep from being hit with additional charges;
1)Make sure the tank is full when you bring the car back. If the car rental company sees that the tank is not topped off, they might hit you with exorbitant gas charges.
2)Bring the car back on time! If you're scheduled to have the car back at 11:00 A.M. bringing it back at 12:00 could cost you another day's charges, so make sure you're not tardy in getting the car back. On the same note, be aware that if you bring your car back early, you can also be nailed with extra charges as well. For instance, if you rent the car for a week, and bring it back in five days, they may increase your charges by hitting you with a daily rate instead of the weekly rate.
3)You might want to consider renting your car from a location away from the airport. Although rates at airports can sometimes be cheaper, after they finish adding taxes, vehicle usage fees, and other Osami Bin Laden fees, you might wind up paying a lot more. It might be cheaper to take a shuttle or cab to an off terminal location, and rent your vehicle there.
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