Sunday, May 11, 2008

Getting Free Meals at Restaurants

With many people taking mom out to a restaurant today to celebrate Mother's Day, it reminds me that there are many places that will give you a free meal just to celebrate your birthday. Most large restaurant chains such as Denny's, Red Hot and Blue, IHOP and many others will give you a free meal on your birthday, but the thing is... most usually give you some leeway as to when you actually take advantage of it so that you don't have to try and eat six free meals on the same day. For instance, Damon's Grill says that the offer expires about a week after your birthday. Red, Hot and Blue on the other hand gives you a month after your birthday to take advantage of it. By signing up at several different restaurant chains, you can literally get free meals for several weeks or more.

You can find out if the restaurant chain offers a birthday club by checking at the restaurant or going to the corporate website. The terms will vary with the restaurant and some will require you to purchase another entree or dinner at equal value, but there's nothing shabby about getting your meal for 50% off and if you get your husband, wife, signficant other to do the same, you can dine in style at half the cost for at least a part of the year.

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